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TITLE: 2013
Monday, 31 December 2012 | 03:35 | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum ^_^

Today is the last day for 2012. Cepatnyer mase berlalu. Too many things happened. But how's ur ending? Happy ending? Sad ending? Me? Alhamdulillah, such a gift from Allah. Even my plan not working as i had plan but i believe semua yg berlaku telah tertulis n surely d best for me. Allah is d best planner n only He knows yg terbek utk setiap hambaNya. Everything happen for a reason. Don't ever ask why it happened to you but find out and learn from what happen ;)

Life keep move on, people change n memories remain. Past is past, never look back. Just make ur present great. Appreciate what u have and happiness gonna be yours ;)

So, welcome 2013! Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for me.. Bile masuk new year, surely i can't wait for 19 January. I will start countdown for it.. hehe..

Oke, tomorrow will be my first day start working at big apple donut & coffee. Masa utk mencri pengalaman dlm alam pekerjaan. Bawu tahu betapa susah nk cri duet. hihi. Hopefully everything going smoothly and dpt kwn2 yg friendly. Tak nak keje dlm keadaan stress. Just wanna make it fun so that i will never feel it as a burden ;)

Lepas je update blog, time to checklist azam bawu. Hidup kene ade target, bawu maju ;)
Papepon nak mulakan sesuatu, niat kene btul. InsyaAllah, Allah akan permudahkan. 

Untuk awk Faisal, im trying my best utk hbgn kite. But i can't do it alone, i need ur support. Keep praying for our relationship. Kalau jodoh kita bersama, insyaAllah Allah akan selalu pelihara. 


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