TITLE: ngokngek
Sunday, 17 February 2013 | 01:34 | 0 comments
Hye readers! Assalamualaikum ;)
Huaaa! lamenya x post entry kat blog.. Sure byk benda nk pot pet. haha
Life going smoothly. So far so gud. hewhew :)
This month is my last month working at big apple donuts and coffee. Time utk stdy plak. Rindu nak membelek2 buku plak. Ohh esaimen + quiz + exam + lectures + friend! Lets meet again and be
nice wif me oke ^_^
Wish me luck ;)
Yeah! February dah nak abis. So, it almost 4 months being Faisal Jamal gf. hahhaa.(excited bebenor) :P
Alhamdulillah, we r still together. Sometimes, we got fight, but how hard it is, u still with me. U still wanna keep our love. Thanx awk ♥
Harta boleh di cari, tapi cinta yg awk beri, hati awk, sye x blh cari kat org len. Duit pon x kan mampu beli hati awk sayang. Saya tetap akan pilih awk. Awak cinta terakhir saya. Setia hujung nyawa. InsyaAllah. :)
Oke! crite ni best sgt. Setia hujung nyawa ;)