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TITLE: sweet & sour
Wednesday, 22 January 2014 | 04:28 | 0 comments

Assalamualaikum :)
I'm currently having my holidays after have been go through some hectic, stress months.
 Oh degree life! So for this holidays, i gonna appreciate every single time with family,
frens and my ♡. Too many things happened and too many things to share. Wait ida, tarik
 nafas panjang2... then hembusssssssss.... oke! let me story mory. 

Actually pharmacy field is not easy as u think. Plus, when u never have been exposed to drugs, medicine before. From all subjects i took last semester, subject pharmacy practice was the subject which i don't like at all. I tried to fall inlove with this subject but seriously, it was so hard. For this subject, i need to know how to make the medicine, i need to make sure the medicine which will be dispense to patient is not overdose or within dose, i need to ensure that the medicine had poison or not. If you have the basic since diploma, u might familiar with all those things but for me who doesn't have any basic, ur mind totally zero and lecturer expect u know everything. But, its oke. i have tried my best for this subject during the final exam. Let Allah do the rest (tawakal). so just wait for the result. haha :P

Tadaa! they are my girlfriends and housemates. I love them. Thanks Allah for send them to me. I was so bless knowing and having them. They are very kind, genius, beautiful, caring, good listener. We just like one family. Oppss! i had left my other two housemates :P

Oke, lets move to another topics. haha. 19th January have just passed around, so 
it means that now i am 23 years old. Chilll ida! you are still young -_-
I'm so touch with all the wishes from the buddies, family and lecturer. Thank you for all dua's. And not forget to my love, thank you for the gift, surprises. You always treat me like a little princess. That's what made me feel younger.haha. 

The necklace with the heart shape and capital F means that you are happy being mine. 
And the hello kitty was so cute! The cake? Already in my tummy. haha :D
Thank you sweetheart

Looks! He know how to spoil his girl with his sweet words. *I'm melting*


He said he's Romeo. Well said syg :)

Its easy to fall inlove but its hard to find someone who will catch you. 
Thank Allah, I've found someone who offered me his parachute
 and promise to catch me when I fall. I love you Faisal :)

Old things | New things