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TITLE: My fate with him
Thursday, 31 July 2014 | 09:05 | 0 comments

You will never know when it is your turn until you realize Allah full fill your du’a. Even you feel it is hard to handle but He makes everything going smoothly. Yes, it is true. He knows everything more than you, when is the exactly time to full fill your wishes.

I do grateful with what i have now. He lend me a guy who accept me for who i am, love me unconditionally, love me more than i love him, a guy who i believe he can be a good imam and father to my kids. 

He is my fate. I accept him with all my heart. There is no guy who can love me like him. There is no guy who can understand me like him.  I do love him, i love him so much. And i decide to being his other half for his entire life. Making he the most happiest person, love him until my last breath, taking care of him as i can, being a good wife to him, a good mother for his kids. InsyaAllah together we grow our love till jannah.

We meet unexpectedly, we fall inlove unexpectedly, BUT this love is so strong. I can't denied it. Yes, we face thick and thin time  together , we do fight but yet we are still together.May Allah ease everything until we have been declare as wife and husband.
 Amin :)

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