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Friday, 15 August 2014 | 07:52 | 0 comments

Alhamdulillah, praised to Allah SWT. On 9th August 2014, i have safely engaged to my man Faisal Jamal. Until today, i can't believed that i am one step closer to marriage and fiance to someone. An unexpected love brings me to serious relationship. I believed, this is my faith. And i am glad, never regret because He lend me a romantic guy and He give me a space in a heart who own by a guy named Faisal Jamal.He give me a chance to love Faisal Jamal and to be loved by him. 

Syukur, everything that i have planned went well. Thanks to Allah for making everything ease for us. I know, making decision to being someone other half is not easy because it is a new phase of life, very important phase of life. A phase where you are giving chances to know your fiance more closer and knowing his family too. Thank you to family for support my decision :)

I still remember my text conversation with my fiance after we are blissfully engaged

" Me : We are safely engaged "
" Fiance : Alhamdulillah "

Our dreams comes true sayang :)

And our text conversation today 

" Me : I just wanna tell you that thank you for choosing me as your princess, your girl, your soulmates. "

" Fiance : I am not choosing you. But you are the one that Allah have choose for me. He already arrange our faith. And I will guide you in future "

I am engaged to someone who i shared my tears and joy, and i just love you too much and i am glad you are here.


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